Thursday, March 29, 2012

Need break from cleaning

I'm not much of a housekeeper. I was teasing my Mom today that it was her fault - she should have forced me to clean my room more often! She laughed.
So, we have company coming on Sunday and the living room really needed to get a good go-over. That's what I was going to do Monday and Tuesday but I did about 5 minutes each day. This evening, I felt more motivated and I attacked the piles!
I tend to throw mail that I want to look at later into a pile and of course, later rarely comes, so I'm left with piles of papers to go through. The good thing about that is that a lot of the ads and coupons are past their dates or the articles are past my interest, so they're much easier to recycle!
So things are looking much better in here tonight.
Next comes the breakfast bar in the kitchen! Yikes! Maybe tomorrow, or Saturday....


Natalie said...

I cleaned both kids' rooms last night---we're going on vacation for Spring break and they have some KCLS things checked out that HAVE to be returned. Would you believe they BOTH CRIED---separately, and not aware of the other, when they found out I was going to do that instead of joining them in front of the TV for Friday Family Movie Night? (Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, this time). I loathe cleaning most days, but di I ever loooove the results. Plus, I want to come home to a clean place after being gone, you know? :) Good for you, keep it up.

Friendly Neighborhood Librarian said...

Have a wonderful time on vacation!
That's so sweet that they don't want you to miss Friday Family Movie Night!